Things we don’t miss from home

 In Travel Tips

It is easy to get caught up in the sometimes horror of travel.  Airport delays, lost bags, stolen wallets, and more can impact your outlook.  When we get negative about our travels, it is good to remember all the stuff from home that we are not missing.


When we were at home, Nicole had a 30-minute commute each way. On a good week, that was 5 hours in the car minimum, before running errands. Now, we drive a few minutes here and there to the grocery store. Or maybe we do a big trip and drive an hour. But I don’t miss the daily grind and drive that went with it. Added bonus, fewer trips to the gas station too!

Yard work

We love living in South Florida, but during the rainy season everything grows so fast and there is constant yard work. Tons of tree trimming, grass mowing, mulching, cleaning the grill, and taking care of the pool too. I do not miss being outside in the heat working in my yard on my precious weekend days.

School Drop Off / Pick Up

The lines for school drop off were always mad. Too many people trying to get to the same place at the same time. And there was always that one parent who didn’t think the rules of drop off applied to them. They would come in the wrong entrance and try and cut the line or get out of the car in the drop-off circle. I do not miss those parents.

School Projects

Since we are doing online school, we do not have big school projects. No Science fair boards, math games, wax museums, shoe box dioramas, and other dreaded projects. There is no night before scramble because someone forgot a big project, no late-night trips to Walgreens to print pictures, or tears before bed.

There are tons of things that we do miss from home including Friends, Family, our house, reliable internet, and more. When we miss them terribly, it helps to remember all the things that we don’t miss.

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Checking in for our award flight to Dublin